

government for the people

Women must have the RIGHT to control their own body, just as men do.

It is not the role of government to control people to this extent or undermine God given free-will.

Nor should weaponized religion be used to justify it. Who do you think God is more upset with:


Ruth will work for: 



                      Our vulnerable foster kids deserve quality of life. 

Ruth was a foster kid and understands the failures of the system first hand. Ruth will work for bi-partisan legislation that addresses our broken foster care system with more resources for parents and family members to raise kids in safe and healthy environments, reduce barriers to adoption and increase government accountability to make sure all our children have lives worth living not merely surviving.


                     Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5.

The people of district 5 deserve accountable, quality public education, fair wages for teachers

and control of student loan debt.

                               Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5.

Please see Ruth’s comparison chart HERE to see the facts on the Voucher SCAM and nationwide public land garb. 

Republicans have been controlling Texas for 30 years yet we are ranked 42 in education attainment, 44th in funding, with the state spending only 3.45% of its economic capacity on K-12 public schools and holding increases in teacher pay hostage.

Privatizing and dismantling our education system robs our children of their future and increases crime rates.

Ruth will work for bi-partisan legislation for an accountable public education system that produces an equipped workforce with:

  • Transparency & Accountability in Public Education (Ruth’s draft bill) for increased fiscal and academic accountability.
  • Full funding elementary & secondary education (ESEA)
  • Fair compensation for teachers, including Social Security Fairness Act to stop WEP/GPO 
  • Differentiated instructional methods
  • Limited testing to customize learning needs
  • Expand college credits and trade certification in high school. Every high school graduate should have a diploma AND either a skilled trade certification or up to 60 college credits to increase higher education access and lower costs.
  • Tax breaks for businesses that provide tuition reimbursement with increased wages upon program completion.
  • Limited loan forgiveness programs with program price controls to reduce future loan debt.
  • Bankruptcy reform to include student loans.                               


The people of district 5 deserve a secure border with Immigration Reform SOLUTIONS aligned

with our values and principles.

Ruth will WORK for immigration reform, instead of blocking laws to blame and complain. We need balanced solutions, not extremes of chaos at our border with years of unprocessed applications nor unconstitutional treatment and dehumanizing, racist LIES and false narratives. 

Ruth will WORK for bi-partisan SOLUTIONS:

  • Funding for staff & resources to secure our border & quickly process applications.
  • Deport migrants with expired visas & felony convictions.
  • FIX the process: STOP requiring asylum application at our border, limit admissions based on unemployment rate so we have the workers we need to fuel our economy WHERE we need them AFTER they pass enhanced background check, with preference for English language skills. 
  • Work permit issued at point of entry with requirement to get a driver’s license and car insurance making our roads safer & STOP giving benefits unavailable to US citizens.
  • A change in US foreign aid funding focusing on job creation addressing root causes of migration.
  • STOP arming gangs in other countries with weapons. 
  • Bring deported US veterans back home.
  • End “return to country of origin” policies.
  • Keep families together & our investment with citizenship for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).


                             Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5.

The people of District 5 deserve national security, protection of our interests and accountability for tax dollars. 

District 5 deserves a representative that honors their oath to defend our constitution.

Ruth will work for bipartisan support for legislation that is wise with taxpayer dollars, supports Ukraine, honors our commitment to NATO and our allies fighting for their lives. 

Ruth supports a policy that prohibits use of US weapons on civilian populations. 

We must ensure justice and accountability against government abuse, corruption and war crimes, regardless of who commits them.

Israel is due safety, return of their hostages and justice. The civilians and children of Gaza are equally due a ceasefire, safety and
quality of life. There is no justification for the mass suffering and killing of innocent civilians; that’s not acceptable collateral damage.

                          Isn’t our democracy, that millions lost their lives to secure for us,

                                                worth fighting for with your VOTE?


Our active military & veterans deserve better care. 

We need to better prepare our military and their families with the mental health support they need before, during and after service as well as better serve veteran needs when they end active duty for workforce transition, entrepreneurship opportunities and affordable housing. Veterans need automatic enrollment and evaluations for healthcare  with simplified processes. Veterans who are eligible for social security or VA disability benefits should not have medical coverage costs. Additionally, we must bring back honorably discharged veterans that have been deported.



Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5. 

The people of district 5 deserve an ethical, accountable government.

Government officials should not be allowed to abuse their authority for campaign kickbacks, insider stock trades or violate laws. No one should be above the law, especially those who write laws!

Together we can reform our government with voter rights and campaign reform, opposing gerrymandered maps and policies that reduce the voices of voters, including supporting the Freedom to Vote / John R. Lewis Act and For the People Act to protect the Voting Rights Act and STOP the sale of laws by traitors, those elected or appointed to work for us but instead sell us out for their own profit.

Ruth will work for increased protections for whistleblowers and legislation that ensures accountability in government so that every vote counts at an equal value.

Just as we have Truth in Lending and Truth in Advertising, Ruth will work for Truth in Political Advertising. 

Will you rise in unity to VOTE, to shore up the purpose and integrity of every branch of our government preventing it from being chopped down and sold to the highest bidder? 

Will you VOTE for a government that works for the people with balanced solutions and reforms – to require our constitutions contractual obligation to equally provide each of us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

Ruth will represent the interests of CD5; every race, every political party, every socio-economic status, in large cities or tiny towns. 

Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5. 

The people of district 5 deserve economic policies that benefit our families and communities, not just big business and the 1%.


All of us in District 5 feel the impact of prices for our groceries, cost of housing, insurance and increasing debt while businesses are making strong profits and CEO pay is reaching over 324X’s more than front line worker pay.

Ruth is a small business owner, former business professor and executive with a grocery retailer. Ruth understands the need for businesses to employ workers, meet consumer needs and fuel our economy.

District 5 is experiencing historic and explosive growth which requires infrastructure resources for streets, water & sewer, first responders, parks, mass transit, development that needs to happen financially wise to pro-actively build with the future and environment in mind.

Ruth will work to control inflation and help district 5 families afford groceries & living expenses by:

  • Support STOP increasing interest rates
  • STOP Corporate Welfare, price-gouging and monopolies
  • SUPPORT small and medium businesses and farms with subsidies, SBA grants, low interest loans & government contracts.
  • Support economic policy that requires BIG business and 1% to pay their fair share and reduce the wage gap between executives and workers.
  • Support removal of the Social Security cap
  • Support Budget and tax policies that promote creation and retention of jobs in the U.S.
  • Support responsible Federal spending as a method to promote economic growth, including helping district 5’s growing communities access federal dollars from the historic Infrastructure Bill for internet access ensuring rural communities are connected while protecting the environment. 


                                   Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5.

The people of district 5 deserve affordability and accessible healthcare with more consumer controls and education to have longer, healthier lives.

Ruth will work for:

  • Medicaid expansion, regulation of prescription drug costs & improving Medicare benefits with vision, hearing and dental coverage.
  • Improve the Affordable Care Act & expand Family and Medical Leave Act.
  • Consumers in control to add people to their plan with no age or family relationship restrictions.
  • Equal access and quality of care for Medicare / Medicaid patients in pharmaceuticals, providers and treatment plans.
  • Pilot ACA program for businesses to have the option to get out of healthcare management by giving workers designated funds to buy the plans they want on the exchange or from a coop.
  • Add preventative and health trajectory education programs.
  • Promote coops and other programs to unwind monopolistic providers and cut out middlemen inflating prices.
  • Equitable distribution of funding for drug rehab and recovery programs into rural communities.


Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5.


The people of district 5 deserve affordable housing and access to the American Dream of homeownership.

  • Ruth will work for bi-partisan support:
  • To STOP price-gouging and commercialization of residential communities by hedge fund investors and foreign entities controlling market share by supporting the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act.
  • Restructuring of HUD, subsidies and other taxpayer funded programs to improve accountability and results.
  • Expand affordable housing programs & turn empty commercial buildings into mixed use.
  • Promote banking policies for affordable home construction.
  • End concentrations and cycles of poverty by holding banks & developers accountable for redlining and violations of the Community Reinvestment Act and enforcement of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) overhaul.
  • Implement other ideas from North Texas Regional Housing Assessment, which Ruth was involved with to provide practical recommendations to increase housing while addressing the continued effects of redlining and segregation.  
  • Reform housing programs to improve owners participation in voucher and section 8 programs, moving families to independence whenever possible through HUD programs like HOME. 
  • Negotiate for increased congressional funding to dramatically increase availability of affordable housing for seniors and veterans in the district. 


                              Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5.

The people of district 5 deserve living wages and worker rights to be able to work and care for our families.

Ruth is an advocate for worker rights with 25+ years of experience as a strategic problem solver and change agent addressing root issues for the mutual benefit of workers and businesses.

That’s why Ruth:

  • Supports policies that reduce the wage gap between executives and workers and increasing the national minimum wage to $15.
  • Supports Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act to include: Workers outsourced within 18 months prior & organizers receive equal time, access & resources to respond to company anti-union tactics including company email, captive audiences, etc.
  • Supports the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act because teachers, first responders, and civil servants deserve the right to negotiate fair compensation and work environment.
  • Supports protecting public sector employees’ pay, rights, and benefits.
  • Ruth opposes front line federal employees’ pay freezes and benefit cuts. Before any government worker cuts or government shutdowns, the 1st thing that needs to be shut down is pay for congressional reps that fail to work for the American people.
  • Ruth opposes at-will employment for federal service jobs and misclassification of 1099 contractors.
  • Ruth supports policies that provide status protections to immigrant workers.

                                  Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5.


The people of district 5 deserve to be safe, ensure justice and have  less repeat offenses. 

Ruth will work to address the root issues driving crime rates: poverty, lack of quality education, cyclical barriers that fuel repeat offenses to reduce recidivism including:


                               Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5. 

The people of district 5 deserve the right to life, our kids returning from school alive while ensuring 2nd Amendment rights.  


A police officer with a handgun is not a fair fight against an automatic rifle. Nor should our kids attend schools that look like prisons so the NRA can buy off political traitors.  

Ruth will work for bi-partisan legislation for: 

  • Elimination of immunity for gun manufacturers and sellers.
  • Require training & license permits, universal background checks, red flag, and safe storage laws.
  • Stop “ghost guns” plastic 3D printed guns.
  • Criminal and civil liability for ALL gun sellers who violate laws or provide access knowing a high risk of injury or death exists.
  • Non-law enforcement assault weapons ban with exceptions for those meet increased age, training, licensure, controlled environment, insurance requirements and who submit to annual mental health checks and other safety protocols.
  • STOP allowing guns from the US to be sent to gangs in other countries fueling crime and migration.

Vote for Ruth “Truth” Torres for US Congress District 5. 

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Women In Congress
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0 Billion per year
CEO vs Worker Pay
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Women In Congress
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